What are Mini Disc Golf Discs Used For?
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Marking a Lie & Much More:
What are mini discs used for in disc golf? You might be pondering that question right now? If you are, you’re in luck because we’re about to provide a big explanation on these tiny discs. Not only are they essential tools for marking your lie in official matches, but they are also the discs used in a scaled-down version of disc golf called Mini Disc Golf.
Mini Disc Golf Discs Explained
Why You Use Mini Discs in Disc Golf
Mini discs are used most to mark your throw or lie during a disc golf round (typically during competitive events and tournaments). In most tournaments, using mini discs is not optional; it’s mandatory. Think of it as akin to how golfers mark the lie of their ball with a flat piece of metal or plastic. The disc golf marker acts essentially the same way, ensuring fairness and uniformity when it comes to marking a shot.

Mini Disc Vs. Regular Disc
Before we get too far into the mini discussion, let’s give you an idea on a mini marker disc’s size. There’s an example in the above photo (blue disc). Most Innova Disc Golf minis are about 4 inches in diameter and have a weight between 25 and 40 grams. A typical disc golf disc (white disc in above photo), on the other hand, is much larger with a diameter of 8.5 inches and a weight between 150 and 175 grams.
Mini Disc Size Standards
As you might expect there are technical standards for the size and weight of mini discs. The Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA), the governing body of organized disc golf, has detailed those rules nicely. Basically, they say that the mini marker disc must be round, have a diameter between 7 and 15 cm (between about 3 and 6 inches), and not exceed 3 cm in height (about 1 inch). It can be made from a variety of material, but most disc golfers carry plastic minis because they’re light, durable and cheap. But don’t be surprised to see custom made minis on the course as well.
**You don’t actually throw a mini marker disc during a regular disc golf round. We’ll explain their use next and later we’ll talk about a special kind of disc golf that exclusively uses mini discs.
How to Use a Mini Disc to Mark Your lie
During a disc golf round, especially sanctioned PDGA events you often have a choice as to how you mark your lie after a shot. You may choose to either use the disc that was thrown as the lie itself or you may place a mini disc in front of the thrown disc (make sure your mini is in line with the basket) and pick up the thrown disc. Once you have placed your mini down to mark the shot, your lie transforms a bit, to an area behind the mini disc that measures 20 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters long. This piece-of-paper-sized space gives the thrower a sufficient area to complete their next shot without crossing past the mini disc marker – a no-no in disc golf which can lead to foot faults and penalties.
**Pro Tip: Want to throw the same disc you drove with? Use a mini. Use it again when it’s time to putt, too.

OB & the Mini
When you throw out of bounds (OB), there’s only one way to mark the lie, and that’s with a mini. To do so, this is how it usually works: find where your disc was last in bounds and then place your mini marker disc 1 meter (about 3 feet) from the OB boundary (be sure to place your marker in bounds). There are a bunch of other PDGA rules regarding OB and marking a lie. If you’re feeling froggy check them out. They’ve got rules for every situation you can imagine.
Get Started Early
Using mini markers are not mandatory for casual disc golf play, but it’s still a good idea because it gets you familiar with the practice. By the time you play tournaments using a mini marker will be second nature.
Playing Mini Disc Golf
Although you don’t throw mini marker discs in a regular round of disc golf, you can throw them in a modified version of the game called Mini Disc Golf that combines mini marker discs, mini disc golf baskets, and mini-sized holes. You’ll be impressed with how far these little discs go. Long distance specialist Simon Lizotte actually threw one 527 feet, which is the current world record. Most people don’t throw minis quite that far (usually it’s between 100-200 feet), but these discs are still big on fun. Advantages to mini disc golf include:
- Takes up a fraction of the space (you could even set up a few holes inside an open area like a gymnasium or brewery).
- Takes a fraction of the time to play.
Basics of Mini Disc Golf
In this scaled down version of disc golf, the same rules apply for the most part: get the disc into the basket using as few throws as possible. A few key differences, according to the Mini Disc Golf Federation, are that run-ups for shots are not allowed. That means your feet must stay on the ground when throwing. Also, OB shots are played where the disc lies. And, you can only use plastic mini discs with a maximum diameter of 4.5 inches.
Mini disc golf rounds often act as a side event to regular disc golf events like the PDGA World Championships, which annually hosts a mini disc golf event alongside. Occasionally, though, you do find tournaments exclusively for mini disc golf. There are also several permanent mini disc golf courses. Just like a regular disc golf course, these mini disc courses include tight turns, narrow pathways, and obstacles that test even the most experienced players. Learn more about the miniaturized sport from the Mini Disc Golf Federation.
Throwing Mini Discs
The Basics
Throwing a mini disc is also quite similar to regular disc golf. However the way you grip it, in many cases, will need to be modified. For backhand, most will only be able to place three fingers underneath the disc. Some may want to try a funkier grip by sliding the disc between your index and middle fingers with your thumb pressing on top. Throwing a mini disc forehand is a bit more tricky, but it’s possible. Try it by placing only your index finger under the disc in a forehand style grip. When you get it down, you’ll amaze your friends. As far as throwing the mini discs, the same basic flight principles for disc golf also apply to the mini disc’s flight. Hyzer, anhyzer, and other throws work the same way. You’ll be surprised how stable these little guys are. Be sure to keep the nose down!

Other Uses for Mini Discs
The great thing about mini discs is their miniature size. They actually fit in your back pocket. Bring one along next time you’re out and about. Even if you’ve got no one to throw to, no worries. Just find a little greenspace or even a sparsely populated street and let’er rip. Like we said before, the same basic flight principles apply to mini discs, so if you need to work on a certain shot, you might just figure it out with a mini disc first.
Throwing indoors isn’t out of the question with minis either. A mini disc is actually one of the few ways you can get away with throwing discs (at least short range putts) in the house.
**Mini discs are also a great way to introduce disc golf to small children. The disc’s size and light weight is ideal for small hands.
Types of Mini Discs: 3 Basic Categories
Most mini marker discs can be divided into three categories: mini discs used as a marker for disc golf rounds, mini discs used for mini disc golf play, and mini discs used mainly for novelty or decorative purposes.
- Disc golf rounds: Like we mentioned earlier, most players opt for a plastic mini to use as their marker disc during rounds because they are light and easily replaced. However, disc golfers are able to use minis made from a variety of materials (like metal, wood, acrylic, even bamboo) provided they meet the PDGA’s size specifications. Some minis like the Zu Mini from Zing Mini Discs can also double as a can topper for your favorite beverage.
- Mini disc golf play: Only mini discs made of plastic can be used during mini disc golf rounds (remember the Mini Disc Golf Federation’s rule). This can include regular plastic mini marker discs or even farther flying plastic minis like the Innova Mini Driver.
- Novelty minis: Fancier, more expensive minis like metal minis often fall into this category. They are super cool to look at and to show off to your friends, but they’re often too large or too heavy to use for marking a lie

When it comes to plastic minis, Innova has a number of options including the Regular DX Mini, the swirly Galactic Mini, the Glow-In-The-Dark Mini, and even a mini in the durable Star plastic.
Buy a Mini Disc Golf Basket
If you want to up the fun with mini discs, purchase a mini disc basket. It’s great for making fun little holes in your front or backyard and it’s a cool challenge for putting. Next time your pals are over, challenge them to a game of HORSE on your mini disc golf basket. Rainy day blues or frigid outdoor temps aren’t so bad when you have a mini basket inside where you can create unique putting challenges in the living room or through the hallway.
The Innova DISCatcher Mini Basket is a great option. Look for them among our disc golf baskets it at Disc Golf United

Frequently Asked Questions
What are mini disc golf discs used for?
Mini disc golf discs are primarily used as markers to save your spot on the course. Just like a bookmark keeps your place in a story, these tiny discs keep track of where you’ve left off in the game.
Can you play a full game with mini disc golf discs?
While mini discs often used as markers, there’s also a whole world of mini disc golf where players use these pint-sized discs to play through scaled-down courses. It’s like regular disc golf’s fun-sized cousin.
How do I use a mini marker disc during play?
Think of it as tagging your spot in line without standing there. When your disc lands, place the mini marker directly in front of it before picking up your playing disc. This way, everyone knows exactly where you’ll be throwing from next.
Are there other uses for mini discs besides marking and playing?
Beyond their practical role on the course and their starring role in miniature versions of the game, people get creative—using them as coasters, decorative items, or even collectibles showcasing different designs and tournaments.
Is there an official competition for mini disc golf?
Mini disc golf events do happen. Most years there’s a mini disc golf event at the PDGA Disc Golf World Championships. Plus there are other events designed specifically for mini disc golf. It brings together enthusiasts from all over who share a love for tossing these little guys.
What’s the trick to throwing a mini disc effectively?
Throwing minis is an art form—it’s all about finesse rather than power. Imagine trying to skim a stone across water; it requires precision and subtlety more than brute force. Practice makes perfect here; finding that sweet spot will have those minis flying beautifully.
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