Innova Ram
If you look at Innova’s current flight charts, you’ll see lots of open space among Innova’s overstable 6-speed discs, mainly because there aren’t any. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for a Ram renaissance. Flight-wise, the Ram served up extra helpings of mutton with its fade rating of 4. That said, it still had enough glide to scoot it down the fairway.
Disc Type: Mid Range / Fairway Driver
Status: Limited
Approved Date: 1994
Stock Run: N/A
Dimensions: Diameter: Large (21.7 cm) Rim: 1.8 cm
Max Weight: 180.1 g
Innova RocX3
Looking for something that compares to the Ram? Consider the Innova RocX3, which is still in production. This overstable mid range can handle powerful throws and powerful headwinds.