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Innova Condor

Innova Condor Oversized Specialty Disc

The condor bird is a big freakin bird. So it makes sense that Innova named one its largest, heaviest golf discs after that very bird. In the hand, you’ll notice its thick round nose and you may wonder if the disc was the result of Innova having some fun with a normal sized putter and a Gigant-A-Sizer Ray Gun. In the air, it flies surprisingly smooth and true, holding a line pretty darn well. The only thing stopping many folks from bagging it was the simple reason it wouldn’t fit in most bags. Holds record for Throw, Run, & Catch at 94 meters. 
Disc Type: Specialty Disc
Status: Limited
Approved Date: 1991
Stock Run: 1991-2008
Dimensions: Diameter: Very Large (24.1 cm) Rim: 1.3 cm
Max Weight: 200 g

Innova Shark Mid Range Disc

Innova Shark

Looking for something that compares to the Condor? Consider the Innova Shark, which is still in production: Though not as large as the Condor, the Shark has a similar flight. Many consider it to be one of Innova’s best all around golf discs. You can even putt with it. 

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