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Tips for a better grip
6 Tips for a Better Disc Golf Grip
As you seek to become a better disc
The Benefits of One-Disc Practice Rounds
All disc golfers are working to build their bags with
Carry more than one putter
Benefits of Carrying Multiple Disc Golf Putters
As you build your ideal disc golf bag with all
Team Innova member Lisa Fajkus lining up a throw.
Learn To Throw Flatter In Order To Throw Farther
One of the biggest mistakes that new disc
disc golf distance driving
Master Your Disc Golf Drives: 9 Tips for Maximum Distance
Every disc golfer, from the beginner to the
Weather Disc Selection
How Weather Can Affect Disc Selection
Many sports are affected by weather, and disc golf is
Better approach shots
8 Tips for Better Accuracy on Approach Shots
“Drive for show and putt for dough” is
Improve Your Form with Mid-Ranges and Putters
Improve Your Form with Mid-Ranges and Putters
We all know the feeling because we were
Tunnel shot at Winthrop Gold Hole 4
What Are You Throwing on a 250′ Tunnel Shot?
The short tunnel shot. It’s a hole that
The Secrets to Effective Putting Practice
In our “Taking Flight” series on the DGU Blog,