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Disc Golf United Blog

Mastering Disc Golf Putting: Expert Guide & Putting Tips

Much like traditional golf, disc golf putting is the final throw or throws a player performs as they complete the hole. However, instead of putting into a hole…
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Variations of Disc Golf, Alternative Formats, & Games

Disc Golf may be the most popular disc sport today, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to disc sports. There are many variations…
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Ultimate Guide to Winter Disc Golf: Tips and Tricks for Success

When the temperatures plummet and the snow flies it's not time to hang up your bag it's time for winter disc golf. One of the greatest things about…
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DISCatcher Pro 28 next to pond with sun rising in distance
So you got a Permanent Disc Golf Basket and you want to install it into the ground without screwing up the thing you just spent a bunch of money on. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Disc Golf United and Innova Disc Golf, we’ve installed enough permanent baskets to make your head…
Disc fade left
Among the first terms you need to learn in disc golf are Turn vs Fade. These two disc golf vocab words can tell you a lot about how a disc behaves in the air. This blog will explain each, provide disc examples, and share how the two interact with each other. RHBH Disclaimer: For this…
adventure pack with canteen
One of the best ways to prepare for a disc golf tournament is to take time organizing your bag. You want to make sure you have everything you need for the event, including the desired discs, disc golf accessories and snacks. Here is our disc golf bag checklist: Disc Selection Obviously, the most important thing…
DISCatcher Pro 28 next to pond with sun rising in distance
The sport of disc golf was around a long time before Innova. However, this company changed the game forever and is responsible for what we now know as modern disc design. There have been many key figures involved in the company throughout the history of disc golf, but none more influential than founder, Dave Dunipace.…
The History of Disc Golf
The exact origins of disc golf history are hard to trace. People have been playing catch and throwing flying discs around since the days of the old Frisbie Pie tins in the late 1800s. Somewhere along the way, someone must have developed the concept of disc golf and thought about throwing the disc at a…
Henna Blomroos
Much like traditional golf, disc golf putting is the final throw or throws a player performs as they complete the hole. However, instead of putting into a hole in the ground, disc golfers are throwing their disc into a metal basket with chains. For most players, the area they find themselves putting is within 30…
Disc Golfers taking part in a team event.
Disc Golf may be the most popular disc sport today, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to disc sports. There are many variations of disc golf, alternate scoring formats, and fun games played with a disc. Some of these date back long before the advent of the modern disc golf…
Winter disc golf. Player putting a disc in the snow.
When the temperatures plummet and the snow flies it's not time to hang up your bag it's time for winter disc golf. One of the greatest things about disc golf is that it is a sport you can enjoy all year round. Sure, it's usually best enjoyed on a nice sunny day. However, many disc…
What is disc golf? Disc golf is a fun and fast growing sport.
By now most people in the United States have come across disc golf in some form or fashion. But many only have a vague idea of what the sport is. So, what is disc golf, anyway?" We're here to tell you in this guide to disc golf.  What is Disc Golf? Disc golf is an…
A healthy diet can make a big difference in disc golf
You may not realize it, but your eating habits may be holding back your disc golf game. Smarter, healthier disc golf nutrition just might be the extra advantage you need to take your disc golf game to the next level. In this article, we will explore some nutrition and dietary tips that you can apply…